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China's Thermal Power Development Path from 7 Five-Year Plans (Programs)

Posting Time:2017-08-03 Browse times:376

      China's first five-year plan from 1953, in addition to part of the five-year plan for various reasons did not target the electric power industry, especially coal power development put forward specific requirements, the other seven five-year plan are clearly put forward to coal power (due to China's thermal power to coal-based power, the plan involves the content of the thermal power aspects, we will also be counted in the development of coal power development part of the development of the planning. The reporter collated the relevant content about China's coal power development, from the five-year plan, we may feel China's policy direction for the development of coal power.

"First Five"

      "First Five" plan clearly will be based on the construction of thermal power stations (including heat and power co-production of thermal power stations), the construction of 92 power stations in five years, 76 thermal power stations, accounting for 83%. At the same time, the plan proposes to economize on coal used for power generation and to vigorously use poor quality coal for power generation.

"Seventh Five-Year Plan"

      The "Seventh Five-Year Plan" requires that, within five years, the total scale of power plant construction of 60 to 65 million kilowatts, of which 18.8 million kilowatts of hydropower; completed and put into operation 30 to 35 million kilowatts of installed power generation capacity, of which 8 million kilowatts of hydropower. Although the planning did not directly put forward the proportion of coal-powered, but can be built from the hydropower situation, the launch of coal-powered power plant construction and the total installed power generation accounted for a large proportion of the total size. "Seventh Five-Year Plan" also proposed in the major coal-producing areas, as well as coastal areas, power load centers, built a number of thermal power plants.

"Ninth Five-Year Plan

      The "Ninth Five-Year Plan" proposed for the first time to strengthen the power supply structure adjustment and limit the development of small thermal power. Starting from the Ninth Five-Year Plan, new thermal power plants were generally required to use high-parameter, high-efficiency units with a single-unit capacity of 300,000 kilowatts or more. The plan is also concerned about the relationship between coal power development and the environment, requiring the development of thermal power to be closely integrated with environmental protection, accelerate the development of clean coal technology, and promote the application of flue gas desulfurization technology.

"Tenth Five-Year Plan

"The Tenth Five-Year Plan calls for further adjusting the power supply structure, making full use of the existing power generation capacity, actively developing hydropower, pithead large-unit thermal power, compressing small thermal power, moderately developing nuclear power, and encouraging cogeneration and comprehensive utilization of power generation. Actively develop new energy and renewable energy.

"Eleventh Five-Year Plan"

      "The 11th Five-Year Plan proposes to optimize the development of thermal power, to build a stable, economic, clean and safe energy supply system, focusing on large-scale, efficient and environmentally friendly units.

"Twelfth Five-Year Plan

      "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" calls for the development of clean and efficient coal-fired power generation, large-capacity coal-fired units, giving priority to the development of large and medium-sized cities, industrial parks cogeneration units, as well as large-scale pithead coal-fired power stations and coal gangue and other comprehensive utilization of power stations.

      Until the recent "13th Five-Year Plan", coal power planning and construction has been strictly controlled. The plan proposes to accelerate the transformation and upgrading of coal power, and promote clean and orderly development. Reasonable control of coal power base construction progress, according to local conditions, planning and construction of cogeneration and low calorific value coal power generation projects. The plan proposes that during the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, more than 150 million kilowatts of coal power construction projects will be canceled and postponed. By 2020, the national installed capacity of coal power generation will strive to be controlled at less than 1.1 billion kilowatts, accounting for about 55% of the total.

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